If you will be enrolling in Medicare Part A & B beginning on January 1, 2020 for the first time, you will not able to enroll the popular Medicare Supplement Plan F. This Plan F will be available now until December 31, 2019 for new people enrolling in Medicare.

If you currently have Medicare Supplement Plan F, you will be able to maintain Medicare Supplement Plan F as long as you wish and are current with your premiums.

These plans are also called “Medigap” plans since they will pay the out of pocket costs that are found in Medicare Parts A & B. For example, Medicare Plan F will pay the Medicare Part B co-insurance (20% of the Part B bills) , the Part A & B deductibles and the inpatient hospital costs and co-insurance under Medicare Part A for an additional 365 days after Medicare coverage runs out.

Medicare Supplement Plan G generally has the same basic benefits as Plan F except you will be paying a Part B deductible of $185 in 2019. This Plan G is available now in 2019 as well as into 2020. There are other Medicare Supplement Plans besides Plans F & G.

Please call me at (845) 723-5055 if you have any questions about your Medicare plan options or eligibility.

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